Наша Грейс и щенки Ронни, Дикси и Мышка рекламируют породу вместе с ТМПроПлан
Our Grace and puppies Ronnie, Dixie and Mouse promote the breed with ProPlan
Есть щенки для продажи/Puppies for sale
подробно по тел +380503578825
Щенки в питомнике Bila Kvitka
Puppies fo sale in kennel Bila Kvitka
+380501451717 или +380503578825
Grace-sweet kiss Venetian mask - New Young Champion
Our Ch Favorite Fate Venetian Mask is new Champion of Russia and Champion RKF!
Thank you and congratulations to his owner Diana Denisyeva!!!
26 -27. 04.2014,FCI-CACIB "Golden Gate 2014", "Ukraine 2014" Kiev(Ukraine)
Judges: Walter Jungblut, Lisbeth Mach
Grace-sweet kiss Venetian mask - JCAC
Bendjamin Venetian mask - exell., R.CAC
Diamond Venetian Mask - 2 x 1 exell. 2 x CAC, 2 x R.CACIB
Judges: Walter Jungblut, Lisbeth Mach
Grace-sweet kiss Venetian mask - JCAC
Bendjamin Venetian mask - exell., R.CAC
Diamond Venetian Mask - 2 x 1 exell. 2 x CAC, 2 x R.CACIB
Favorite Fate Venetian Mask - 2 x 1 exell. 2 x CAC, 2 x CACIB, 2 x BOB!
3 in IX group BEST in SHOW!
2 x CACIB KIEV 14-15.12.2013/ UKRAINE
Grace - sweet kiss Venetian mask - BEST BABY of BREED
Evangelina Venetian mask - JCAC, BEST JUNIOR of BREED
Favorite Fate Venetian mask - 2 х САС, Новый Чемпион Украины в 17 мес!
Diamond Venetian mask - CAC, R.CAC, Новый Чемпион Украины!
Grace - sweet kiss Venetian mask - BEST BABY of BREED
Evangelina Venetian mask - JCAC, BEST JUNIOR of BREED
Favorite Fate Venetian mask - 2 х САС, Новый Чемпион Украины в 17 мес!
Diamond Venetian mask - CAC, R.CAC, Новый Чемпион Украины!
2xCACIB 20-21 апреля 2013
КИЕВ, Украина, "ЗОЛОТЫЕ ВОРОТА - 2011", "УКРАИНА - 2011"
КИЕВ, Украина, "ЗОЛОТЫЕ ВОРОТА - 2011", "УКРАИНА - 2011"
Evangelina Venetian mask - 2 x Best Puppy of Breed
Favorite Fate Venetian mask - 2 x JCAC, 2 x Best Junior of Breed, NEW JUNIOR CHAMPION
Diamond Venetian Mask - R.CAC
Be Happy Venetian mask - CAC, CACIB, BOS
"ЕВРАЗИЯ I" CACIB, Moscow, 23.03.2013.
DESPERADO VENETIAN MASK (вл. А.Брозгуль г.Москва)
DESPERADO VENETIAN MASK (вл. А.Брозгуль г.Москва)
Excellent 1, JCAC, qualification on Crufts!
8-9.12.2012-2xFCI-CACIB Киевская Русь, Хрустальный кубок Украины
Bunga Bunga du château noblesse - 1 exell, JCAC, Best Junior Of Breed, 2 exell.
Be Happy Venetian Mask - 2 x CAC, 2 x r.CACIB
Favourite Fate Venetian Mask - Best Baby of Breed
04.10.2012 Bucharest winner
Bunga Bunga du château noblesse - JCAC, best junior, BOB, Bucharest Junior Winner 2012,
Junior Champion of Romania.
Angel's Pride Jersey Girl - CAC, CACIB, Bucharest Winner 2012, Champion of Romania.
Angel's Pride Jersey Girl - CAC, CACIB, Bucharest Winner 2012, Champion of Romania.
07.10.2012 Eurodogshow
Bunga Bunga du château noblesse - 2 exell. in junior class, Junior Vice Champion of European
Angel's Pride Jersey Girl - CAC, R.CACIB, Vice Champion of European
Bunga Bunga du château noblesse - 2 exell. in junior class, Junior Vice Champion of European
Angel's Pride Jersey Girl - CAC, R.CACIB, Vice Champion of European
1 September Slavutich-2012 FCI CACIB
Judge - Beata Petkevica (Latvia)
Bunga Bunga du château noblesse - J CAC, Best Junior of Breed
Clementine White Blossom Venetian Mask - 1 exell.
Angel's Pride Jersey Girl- CAC, CACIB. ВОВ
Judge - Beata Petkevica (Latvia)
Bunga Bunga du château noblesse - J CAC, Best Junior of Breed
Clementine White Blossom Venetian Mask - 1 exell.
Angel's Pride Jersey Girl- CAC, CACIB. ВОВ
2 September DneprDogShow-2012 FCI CACIB
Judge - Hiroshi Kamisato (Japan)
Bunga Bunga du château noblesse - J CAC, Best Junior of Breed
Clementine White Blossom Venetian Mask - 1 exell., J CAC - New Junior Champion of Ukraine
Angel's Pride Jersey Girl - CAC, CACIB
2 x CACIB KIEV 21-22.04.2012/ UKRAINE
Be Happy Venetian mask - 2 Excellent, 1 Excellent. САС, R СACIB
Angel's Pride Jersey Girl - 2 х 1 Excellent, САС, СACIB
Be Happy Venetian mask - 2 Excellent, 1 Excellent. САС, R СACIB
Angel's Pride Jersey Girl - 2 х 1 Excellent, САС, СACIB
Dancing queen Venetian mask, Be Happy Venetian mask, Angel's Pride Jersey Girl - my sweet girls
"Eurasia 2012" CACIB, 24-25.03.2012 Moscow
Be Happy Venetian mask - Excellent 1, JCAC, qualification on Crufts,Young Champion of Russia
Angel's Pride Jersey Girl - Excellent 2, RCAC.
Be Happy Venetian mask - Excellent 1, CAC, R.CACIB
Be Happy Venetian mask - Excellent 1, CAC, R.CACIB
Angel's Pride Jersey Girl - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best bitch of Breed,
Champion of Russia, Champion of Eurasia
judge Robert Blumel (А)
Be Happy Venetian mask (female junior) - 2 exellent, 10 dogs are in a class
Angel's Pride Jersey Girl (female intermedian) - 1 exellent, 8 dogs are in a class,
judge Robert Blumel (А)
Be Happy Venetian mask (female junior) - 2 exellent, 10 dogs are in a class
Angel's Pride Jersey Girl (female intermedian) - 1 exellent, 8 dogs are in a class,
CAC/CACIB/BOS fulfiled quota Champion of Poland